Another opportunity

The Rector, Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu

Many people are not able to handle disappointment or tolerate failure. In life good as well as bad happens to men alike. We are who and what we are not because we have done more or less good deeds than others. The man who receives ‘good’ may claim to be a better and righteous person and the man who receives evil may be seen as sinful. God’s word teaches that evil does not befall men because they are more evil than others, neither does good come to you because you are better than others. Either good or evil can happen to anyone. The hurt or harm we see in others could be a way God is teaching us greater lessons about life. Therefore, be humble to learn from other people’s hurt and harm. You can say that if anyone fails to learn when evil befall others, such is bound to fall into greater evil.

The parable as seen in Luke 13:6-9 is what I will consider the parable of ‘Another Chance.’ The owner the fig tree had expectation from the tree, but for three years his expectations were not met by the tree; therefore, he concluded that the tree be cut down. When people expect something from us and they are disappointed the next move has always been: ‘cut it down, discard it, it is useless to us, replace it among others.

The story of the man, Michael Jordan is one among the numerous stories of people that others feel they should be cut down or discarded because they did not see anything good in them. You sure know Michael Jordan. He was a great and successful basketball player. But have you taken the time to go through his profile? How he courageously took steps on the ladder of failure to the arena of success?

The very major encounter that turned his life around was not an easy one. When in high school, sophomore Michael applied for the varsity basketball team at Larry High School with high hopes of getting considered. But his hopes were smashed against the rock of disappointment when the list was passed, his name was not there. This can be frustrating indeed. Rather, his name appeared on the Junior varsity team. That looks quite demeaning. He felt so bad, he wanted to give up on sport, but his mother believed in him and advised him otherwise. This helped Michael to embrace failure and disappointment to get better.

He accepted the junior varsity team and gave himself totally to it and here’s one of his statements – “whenever I was working out and I got tired and figured I had to stop, I’d close my eyes and see that list on the locker room without my name on it and that usually got me going again.” In his own words, ‘ I went to my room, closed the door and I cried. For a while, I couldn’t stop….’

However, the power of imagination kept him on track. He will rather fear the imagination of not seeing himself in his desired future than give up. Can you see how magical that can be? Never give up!

So, when Jordan got into the spotlight, he could not, but celebrate his failures because he saw them as a propeller of success. “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and I missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in life. And that is why I succeed,” – Michael Jordan.

Without doubts, Jordan was another man who understood and embraced the probability of failing. He realised that he can only truly succeed when he has failed because this will gave him the needed impetus to try again till he succeeds.

Was the process enjoyable for Jordan? Of course not! But he was open-minded enough to pick the required lessons, which later paid off. Today, Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketball players who ever lived with career statistics that include 6,672 rebounds, 5,633 assists, and 32,292 total points. Sometimes if those who made it in life share their story we may not envy their glory.

Success is only possible for a man who understands that failure could mean: put more effort next time. Nobody wants to associate with failure, the moment they feel you are not meeting up or may not meet up they give up on you and throw you by the side. Never give up on yourself, on your dreams and on your aspiration.

The owner of the fig tree decided that the tree be cut down and the tree knew it not. Leaders are success driven, the world system is so built; they celebrate you only when you are successful and would not waste time to forget you when you look tired. I guess this is the reason for retirement; you are retired when the system consider you tired.

But the dresser pleaded, and said give it another chance; Just another opportunity Sir; If those who removed Jordan’s name from the list had seen his future they would not have made that move; your future is sculptured in God’s plan. Like the dresser of the fig tree, Jesus makes intercession for us on daily bases.

Do you know that Jesus is pleading for you? 1 John 2:1-2. “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” The Lord will never give up on you; Never!
God created you to be fruitful and your fruitfulness is possible.

Remember That God Is Never Late (Jer. 33:10-16)
Life is segmented in stages and pages. Every stage of life has its story. Some life stories comes with the sweet rhythm that make men to dance to its lyrics. Others are full of sad memories that draw tears and inflict pains. Whatever life presents carries its great lessons. People lose the lesson of life because they see the challenges facing them as problems rather than opportunities. When you see challenges as problems rather than opportunities, it makes you: to be bitter rather than better, To sink rather than seal, to break rather than blossom

People Who See Opportunities In Challenges:
• Know how to change their story to glory,
• Know how to turn pains to praise.
• Know how to make a message out of their mess.
• Know how to smile despite the smell.
• Know how to grow despite the cold.

The Scripture Reveals:
•The voice of man may differ from the voice of God.
• When people give up on, God will not.
• People will and may abandon you, but God will not.
•What people consider as closed chapter, concluded case, nothing can be done is what God consider as channel to show his Almightiness.
• When men write their story about you with no glory, God converts their story to testimony with glow.
God Is Never Late
• You can contact the Rector: The Ven Stephen Wolemonwu on 08035413812. Email:;

• To time He is ever late as your creator
• To His purpose He is never late
• To what He will do He can never be too late
• In every life challenge turn to God.
• Take delight in His promises.
• Focus on the positive and not on the negative.
• Be more concerned with where you are going and not where you have been or where you are presently.
• Just keep moving no matter how slow it looks; keep moving.
• Do not let the ill reactions of others make you give up on your dreams.
Hear God’s Promises!
This place they consider as nothing will be something.
That person they consider as nobody will be somebody.
That thing they feel is dishonorable will be honourable.
Don’t conclude yet, if God has not. Anchor your faith on His omnipotence, if He said it He will do it.
God Knows (Rev. 2:1-11)

There is nothing about you or me that God does not know. When God says: “I know” it means:
• He knows our intent and motives as well as our actions.
• He knows our end from our beginning.
• He knows and will not forget for another to remind Him.
• He knows what you know and what you don’t.
• God knows our shadow as good as our real image.

Therefore, beware! Nothing can be hidden from God.
God Weighs Our Every Actions – Deut. 4:25-40
• Sometimes staying too long with somebody or something can make you become careless and less courteous – this less behaviour which bring about provoking God to anger – Deut. 4:25.
• Every of our behaviour, heaven and earth bears witness – Deut. 4:26.
• Evil behaviour attracts divine judgment – Deut. 4:26b-28.
• No matter how dirty we are or can be, God is merciful – Deut. 4:29-31.
• Knowing your past will help you handle your present. Don’t always glory in the past.
• God’s presence and power in the past was out of love for you.
• The past was for a better today and glorious tomorrow.
• Everything God did, revealed and manifested in us or through us; was for us to know Him better and closely walk with Him.
• Every problem we faced was to bring out the best out for us.
As we journey in life; let us be mindful of our every event, of our walk with God. We are to consider carefully if we are to be weighed in God’s scale; will God find us worthy or wanting? In Daniel 5:27; Actions where weighed and found wanting; beware of what you do today; never give up, God has not given up on you.
• You can contact the Rector: The Ven Stephen Wolemonwu on 08035413812. Email:;


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