There are very few things as unsettling as desperately wanting something but not knowing how to go about getting it. I’d be mega rich if I got paid each time I heard a woman say the famous heartfelt words “I’d really like to start my own business but I don’t know where to start”. Well as simple as it sounds the best place to start from is usually where you stand!

Here are a few tips for women who are undecided on how to go about starting their own businesses:

Start with the Why?
I don’t know why Eve ate that apple in the Garden of Eden but she did and for her sins women evolved into emotional beings! It’s so typical of us as women to run around trying to get things done and not even stop to ask ourselves why we do what we do; and more importantly what we are getting out of it? We are usually more concerned about how what we do makes other people feel. The greatest question to ask yourself when you decide to start a business is “What do I want out of this?” in other words “Why am I going to do this?” What do you want to get out of the business you would like to embark on? Which of your needs does this business need to satisfy? Whether it’s a second income, the time to stay home with your kids, an opportunity to change and contribute to your community or the chance to finally be your own boss. You must identify the reason why you want to go into business to be able to choose the right business for you.

What makes you sparkle?
Take a long hard think of what makes you sparkle meaning what makes you come alive and helps you stand out from everyone else. What’s your authentic bling? What’s your gift? What do you know for sure? Ask yourself this; if your nearest and dearest person on earth was holding on to life by the skin of their teeth and your only opportunity to save them was by giving a convincing five minute speech about a certain subject with clarity, confidence, knowledge and passion what topic would you choose? Now that’s just one piece of the puzzle so also ask yourself this, would this person agree that you were competent enough to deliver that topic as a speech to save their life? If you were able to identify a topic immediately and also get the buy in of your nearest and dearest then therein lies a clue to what area of business you can venture into. Even though the new buzz word that comes up when people talk about starting a business is passion the truth is that your passion must be able to be communicated, marketed and believed by others for it to be considered commercially viable.

What are you good at?
No, this is not the same question as the previous one. The earlier question identifies your passion which is only half of the story. This question takes your skills into account. So here, because you can deliver a compelling speech on this seasons fashion trends does not necessarily mean you can produce a clothing line for sale. You need to posses the operational and business skills required to make a business out of your passion. You must be able to match your passion to your skills or be able to purchase the necessary skills required. Take an afternoon to list out all your strengths and skills which you believe will give you some leverage as you start on your entrepreneurial journey and see how you can match them to your passion. If you don’t have the necessary skills required to run the business of your dreams don’t despair. Be honest with yourself. Every one arrives at their destination in life by taking a first step. Yours may be to find the ideal business partner whose skills complement your passion, or you may need to hire the right support to help you develop your plan. Whatever the case, the point is that you have started the process of thinking through your business plan by simply identifying your passion and linking it to your skill set

What would you like to learn to do?
The truth about entrepreneurship is that by its very nature you learn as you build your business. Don’t let the idea of the lack of a few skills discourage you from starting your own business. Build training courses and seminars into your business plan and enjoy learning and growing with your business. Business is very much like marriage or any committed relationship, you commit to the unknown after much consideration and manage the journey trusting that tomorrow will bring a better day and it usually does if you plan and learn along the way.

Till next time ladies keep shining!

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