5 Healthy Reasons To Eat An Apple Today

Carved and shaped like the heart, colourful and beautiful, sweet and irresistible taste, delicious and crunchy, apple fruit is one of the most popular and favorite fruits, most  people love apples.

Do we know the benefits of this lovely fruit to the body, health and lives. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a very old and popular expression, it simply means that eating healthy and nutritious fruits like apple will make you strong and healthy.

The first printed mention of this saying can be found in the February 1866 issue of the publication “Notes and Queries.” The publication printed the proverb like this: “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.”

That being said, here are five healthy reasons to eat an apple today.

  1. Apple is enriched with rich phyto-nutrients that is indispensable for optimal health. Certain antioxidants in apple have several health promoting and disease prevention properties such as Pectin which  is a form of soluble fiber that lowers both blood pressure and glucose levels. It also helps maintain the health of the digestive system. Boron supports strong bones and a healthy brain. Quercetin  reduces the risk of various cancers, including cancers in the lungs and breast. Vitamin C  boosts immunity, which helps maintain overall health, vitamins A and E and beta carotene. These compounds fight damage from free radicals and can have a profound affect on health, including reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and asthma.
  2. Apple fruit is a good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). These vitamins help as co-factors for enzymes in metabolism as well as in various synthetic functions inside the human body. it also carry a small amount of minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
  3. Apples have a good claim to promote health. They contain Vitamin C, which aids the immune system, and phenols, which reduce cholesterol. They also reduce tooth decay by cleaning one’s teeth and killing off bacteria. also act as a toothbrush, cleaning teeth and killing bacteria in the mouth, which may reduce the risk of tooth decay. They’re also low in calorie density, one of the trademarks of a healthy food. When a food is low in calorie density you can eat good size portions of the food for relatively few calories.
  4. Apple helps in reducing the risk of diabetics and stroke, it also reduces skin diseases.  Apple cider vinegar can help prevent the formation of kidney stones. It strengthen the heart, quench thirst, lubricate the lungs, decrease mucous and increase body fluids.
  5. Apple are available and affordable.

An apple has a lot of health benefits. It is advisable and necessary everyone takes an apple everyday, remember “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”



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